Here are some quick instructions. Please let me know if you have any problems viewing them. First a quick overview about the software you might need to view these videos.
Microsoft Windows Users: If you have windows you can use your Windows Media Player to view many of these video types. I would suggest all Windows users upgrade to the latest Media Player. Latest viewer for Windows:
Latest Microsoft Media Player: Microsoft's Link
Mac Users: You can only view the files that have a *.mov at the end of the file name. To get the latest quicktime viewer go to
HOW TO DOWNLOAD: Right click on the file name and do a "Save As" to save the movie file to your computer for viewing.
QuickTime Videos:
Zoe's First Bath: video/
Emily's First Steps: video/
Emily's First Solid Food: video/
Emily Play the Piano: video/
Emily Being Measured at Birth: video/
Emily's First Christmas: video/
Joshua's 9th Birthday: video/
Joshua's First School Dance Halloween: video/
Tribute to Grandma Spannring: video/
MS Media Videos:
Emily's Speech: video/EmilySpeech.mp4
Zoe's First Roll Over: video/zoes_first_roll_over_t1.asf
Zoe's Flrst Cereal: video/zoes_first_cereal_isdn.asf
Zoe's First Bath: video/zoes_first_bath2_t1.asf
Tom's Cabin: video/toms_cabin_tourISDN.asf
Emily's First Birthday: video/EmilysFirstBirthday_T1.asf
Emily's First Steps: video/Emily_walking_T1.asf
Emily's First Solid Food: video/emily_first_cereal.asf
Joshua Christmas Choir: video/josh_singing_t1.asf
Tribute to Grandma Spannring: video/grandma_sm.asf
Real Player Videos:
Emily's First Steps: video/Emily_walking.rm
Microsoft Media 9 Videos:
Hi to Keith: video/Hi_to_Keith.wmv
West Boulder Trip (8/29/2003): video/westboulder.wmv
West Boulder Trip edited version: video/westboulder_web.wmv
Abby Biking: video/AbbyBiker_web.wmv
Abby No: video/AbbyNo.wmv
MP3 Audio:
Grandma Early Years Part1: audio/grandmaEarlyYears.mp3
Grandma Early Years Part2: audio/grandmaEarlyYearsPart2.mp3